
Ck2 spy network in home county
Ck2 spy network in home county

ck2 spy network in home county

4.7.3 Special Operations-12 (Special Branch SO12).4.7.2 Special Operations-11 (Intelligence SO11).4.7.1 Special Operations-10 (Covert Operations SO10).4.6.1 Special Operations -13 (Anti-Terrorist Branch SO13).4.6 1) SECURITY - Anti-Terrorist National Co-ordinator.4.5 METROPOLITAN POLICE - Specialist Operations.4.4.4 National Hi-Tech Crime Unit (NHTCU).4.4 NATIONAL CRIMINAL INTELLIGENCE SERVICE - NCIS.4.2.14 Directors of the Security Service.4.2.11 National Technical Assessment Centre (NTAC).4.2.3 Special MI5 Team 'Dolly Mixtures'.4.2.1 The Director and Co-ordinator of Intelligence (Northern Ireland).4.1.1 JOINT TERRORISM ASSESSMENT CENTRE - JTAC.

ck2 spy network in home county

3.11 COMPOSITE SIGNALS ORGANIZATION (CSO).3.10.4 Directorate of SIGINT plans: P (planning).3.10.3 Directorate of Communications Security (L Division).3.10.1 Directorate of Organisation and Establishment (Oakley, then to Benhall 2003-4).3.7.4 A historical review of the Signals Intelligence Services main establishments.3.7 GOVERNMENT COMMUNICATIONS HEADQUARTERS - GCHQ.3.6.10 Directors or Chiefs of the Secret Intelligence Service.3.6.5 IRD Information Research Department – closely linked to SIS.3.6.4 Overseas Stations in the Post War period.3.6 A historical review of SIS facilities.3.5.2 Special Political Action Section (SPA).3.5 SIS Paramilitary/Covert Action sections.3.4.7 AC/SS - Directorate of Requirements (Circulating Sections).3.4.5 The SIS Board of Directors 1948- MI9 Escape and Evasion organization.3.4.2 British Security Commission (BSC).3.4.1 The Chief Executive Officers (CD) of SOE were.3.2 SIS SECRET INTELLIGENCE SERVICE - MI6.3.1.1 HMGCC (Her Majesty’s Government Communication Centre).3.1 FOREIGN & COMMONWEALTH OFFICE (FCO).2.8.2 COBRA - Cabinet Office Briefing Room A.2.8.1 London Signals Intelligence Board (LSIB).2.8 Assessment Staff & Joint Intelligence Secretariat (created 1968).2.7.4 Security and Intelligence Co-ordinator & Permanent Secretary to the Cabinet Office.2.7.3 Combined with position of Chairman of the JIC.2.7.2 Co-ordinator for Intelligence and Security.2.7 Joint Intelligence Committee (JIC) - Intelligence Co-Ordination.2.6 Overseas Economic Intelligence Committee (OEIC).2.5 Defence & Overseas Affairs Secretariat.2.3 Intelligence & Security Committee - Parliamentary oversight.2.2 Permanent Secretaries' Committee on the Intelligence Services (PSIS) - Civil Service control.2.1 Ministerial Committee on the Intelligence Services (MIS) - Ministerial control.

Ck2 spy network in home county